
5 Easy Ways to Save Gas when Driving

5 Easy Ways to Save Gas when Driving

Saving money is always important. Finding easy ways to save money on the things you do every day is exciting. For many of us, we drive every day. From the long, into the city daily commuter to the stay at home parent running around town all day, we use a lot of gas. Paying for gas is just something we must do to get to where we want to go. What if there were some easy ways to save at the pump? What if by adjusting some small things on your car and the way you drive you could save gas? The good news is there are 5 easy things you can do right now to save gas money.
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Wet Road Dangers and How to Avoid Them

Wet Road Dangers and How to Avoid Them

As we have witnessed in recent weather events, water can be very dangerous. Since it is in our everyday lives, we don’t often think of its potential hazards. Water and roads, mixed with driving can be a deadly combination. Being aware of the dangers of wet roads and how you can protect yourself just might save you from an unfortunate situation.
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Back to School Driving Safety Tips

Back to School Driving Safety Tips

Whether you love it or your dread it, back to school is upon us. Students and teachers are collecting new school supplies, choosing their outfits and getting up earlier as summer draws to a close. For those unaffected by the school schedule, summer traffic is often a pleasant experience. With fewer cars and buses on the roads, travel time to work is often reduced. But that season is over and it’s time to be cognizant of back to school traffic, children, and buses.
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4 Summer Driving Dangers to Keep in Mind

4 Summer Driving Dangers to Keep in Mind

Summer is the season of fun. The kids are off from school and many plan vacations, day trips, and activities. The weather is warmer; the pool is open and the pace a bit slower. Well, not necessarily when it comes to the roads. Summer driving is notoriously dangerous. There are more car insurance claims nationwide over the summer months and more vehicles damaged. Even though summer is a time to relax and unwind, remaining focused and aware while driving is still essential.
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Car Problems you can often avoid

Car Problems you can often avoid

It’s never a good day when your car doesn’t work. We often take for granted that our cars will work every time we turn the key, but sometimes they don’t cooperate. Of course, regular maintenance is essential for cars with so many moving parts that work together. Over time, belts wear down, the friction causes damage and parts need replacement. There are however some car problems that can be avoided before things go bad. Here we’ll discuss two issues that can cause major damage to your vehicle and how you can avoid them.
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3 Car Noises you Shouldn’t Ignore

3 Car Noises you Shouldn’t Ignore

We all know that sinking feeling when our car starts making a strange sound. We think about ignoring it and hope it will just go away. There are however certain car noises not to be ignored. They can lead to much worse problems down the road costing more money in the end. Some car noises can even be a warning of something making your car more susceptible to an accident or complete breakdown. There are three important sounds you should pay particular attention to.
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PPG Paint – Changing the Auto Repair Market

PPG Paint – Changing the Auto Repair Market

PPG paint is a well-known staple of the industry as well as a technology leader changing the face of the automotive repair paint market. Their Envirobase High-Performance automotive paint is a waterborne product initially created to meet VOC legislation requirements. VOCs or volatile organic compounds are harmful to the environment and organisms exposed to them. The work and research PPG put into this paint product not only benefited the environment but many other aspects of the auto painting industry.
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Winter Driving Tips

Winter Driving Tips

Winter is here. The snow is here as is the ice that sometimes hides beneath the snow. Granted, living in the Midwest has its privileges but driving in the winter weather is not one of them. Ice is no friend to drivers. If you are very young or on the older side, driving in winter conditions is even more stressful. Roads covered in well-packed snow may also have a thin layer of ice underneath. Most drivers would rather stay put at home, given the luxury of such a choice. Here are a few winter driving tips that may help you avoid an accident.
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Earth Friendly Body Shop

Earth Friendly Body Shop

Some businesses do their best to be more environmentally friendly. They recycle the paper and cans, and bottles their employees use at the office. These small steps are a step in the right direction. Barbosa’s Kustom Kolor goes beyond those baby steps and has made a larger commitment to reducing their carbon footprint.
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Tips for Avoiding a Car Accident

Tips for Avoiding a Car Accident

The first and most important tip to avoid a car accident is to avoid drinking alcohol while driving. Never drink and drive. Always have a designated driver when others are drinking. If you have been drinking and do not have a designated driver, call a cab or use Uber. The consequences for drinking and driving can never be adequately calculated.
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