car repairs


Quality Car Paint Job – You Get What you Pay For

Quality Car Paint Job – You Get What you Pay For

Getting in an automobile accident is scary and frustrating. Dealing with the aftermath is often the worst part. Depending on how bad the accident is, lawyers, insurance, and doctors might be involved. Most don’t enjoy the hassle of all that has to be accomplished to get life back to normal. Being without a car if it has been damaged is inconvenient, to say the least. When you take your car to an Auto Body Repair Shop to get it fixed the process most likely included car painting. Some shops offer paint jobs for as little as $129. This service might be affordable, but shops that offer these rates are cutting corners. Knowing all that goes into a quality car paint job is key to making an informed decision when selecting the right auto body repair and paint shop.
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Car Problems you can often avoid

Car Problems you can often avoid

It’s never a good day when your car doesn’t work. We often take for granted that our cars will work every time we turn the key, but sometimes they don’t cooperate. Of course, regular maintenance is essential for cars with so many moving parts that work together. Over time, belts wear down, the friction causes damage and parts need replacement. There are however some car problems that can be avoided before things go bad. Here we’ll discuss two issues that can cause major damage to your vehicle and how you can avoid them.
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3 Car Noises you Shouldn’t Ignore

3 Car Noises you Shouldn’t Ignore

We all know that sinking feeling when our car starts making a strange sound. We think about ignoring it and hope it will just go away. There are however certain car noises not to be ignored. They can lead to much worse problems down the road costing more money in the end. Some car noises can even be a warning of something making your car more susceptible to an accident or complete breakdown. There are three important sounds you should pay particular attention to.
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